Mission, Vision, & Values

Every year, thousands of children in Oklahoma are removed from their homes because of evidence of abuse and neglect. They are uprooted from the only family they’ve known, taken out of school and away from friends. In short, their worlds are turned upside down. Going through the child welfare system is scary and no child should do it alone.

The mission for CASA Voices for Children, Inc. is to speak for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the courts, through trained volunteers, to obtain a safe, permanent and nurturing environment.

CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to watch over and speak up for abused and neglected children to make sure they don’t get lost in the overburdened legal and social service systems or languish in the foster care system. CASA volunteers stay with each child until he or she is placed in a safe, permanent home and the case is closed. For many abused children, their CASA volunteer is the one constant in their lives and often, the one adult who cares only for them.

Every abused and neglected child has a CASA volunteer appointed to represent his/her best interests.

Our Values

We embrace the challenge of ongoing change; in the environment, in the demands and expectations placed on us, and in the needs of the local programs. We strive to adapt our thinking and behavior in order to best respond to new conditions and circumstances as they arise.
We acknowledge that CASA Voices for Children, Inc. is part of a greater network and that success in meeting our mission comes from unity and working collaboratively with the board of directors, Oklahoma CASA, National CASA and external Stakeholders.
We strive to uphold ethical principles through honesty, transparency, and fairness. We address problems that arise directly with one another, express appreciation, and celebrate the successes of those we work with and serve. We advocate for the success of others and continually strive to improve.
We respond to the needs of our community, the children and families we serve, making great efforts to find solutions to those needs. We contribute to the larger, state and national network of CASA whenever possible. We respond to requests from stakeholders and contributors, and support one another as we work to fulfill our mission.
We respect our differences and embrace diversity in its many forms. We strive to be inclusive, welcoming, and to assume the best of our peers.
We pursue excellence in all we do, and endeavor for continual growth and development for our program as we provide advocacy and a voice for the abused and neglected children we serve.
We are faithful to our mission and values’, doing what is best for our program. We endeavor to ensure quality service to those we serve as well as ensure long term program sustainability. CASA Voices for Children, Inc. holds paramount fiscal transparency in addition to strategic and responsible management of the resources with which we are entrusted.